OSF guarantees free specialist check-ups to the needy.

At Opera San Francesco people in difficulty are guaranteed high levels of medical assistance with medical volunteers from over 30 specialist areas so everyone that needs to can undergo free specialist check-ups in total tranquillity.

One of the most frequently requested forms of medical assistance is dental care. In fact, many patients, also Italian, are not able to afford dental care and for this reason turn to the OSF Health Centre.

Visita oculistica su paziente | OSF

specialist check-ups

Visita medica in ambulatorio | OSF

Average number of check-ups a day




2020 figures

  • Dental clinic: 3.023 visite
  • Psychology / Psychiatry: 2.118 visite
  • Cardiology: 960 visite
  • Gynaecology: 774 visite
  • Diabetology: 498 visite
  • Dermatology: 465 visite
  • Orthopaedics: 455 visite
  • Ophthalmology: 428 visite
  • General surgery: 337 visite
  • Head and neck: 305 visite
  • Neurology: 271 visite
  • Urology: 184 visite

Opening hours

Dental clinic
Monday to Friday:
Morning: from 7.30, without appointment
Afternoon: appointments only

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