OSF “Prendiamoci cura” Fund.In 2020, during the Covid pandemic, Fondazione Opera San Francesco per i Poveri created a fund denominated “Let’s Take Care”, specifically conceived for the people supported by OSF. The original aim was to create a fund to help them live and not just survive during a major economic crisis. Today, the fund has become a standard service offered by OSF.Specifically, with this service Opera San Francesco:Provides financial support to new beneficiaries, regarding new, relevant, and specific needs.Avoids the slipping into indigence of those who until yesterday managed a dignified living, preventing new fragilities.Provides services that give suitable answers to living and financial precariousness.Therefore, the fund gives a temporary yet most decisive financial support, which can beUp to 500€, quick-access, one-time bonus;Up to 10,000€ bonus, or one year’s support after an evaluation by a multi-disciplinary Board, in cooperation with other OSF services;Over 10,000€ bonus for a specific project approved by the Presidency, maximum duration 3 years.The Fund is constituted by 3 organs that cooperate and work in team to evaluate, monitor, and follow up the beneficiaries, working in network with other OSF services:Managing CommitteeEvaluation BoardService ManagerContact usResponsableAlessandro UbbialiPhone number02 77122458E-mailprendiamocicura@operasanfrancesco.itDiscover OSF’s services Reception Service Food Kitchens Shower service The Wardrobe service Health Centre Psychology and psychiatry Social Area Collection Centre NewsletterSubscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the projects and initiatives of Opera San Francesco. The data will be processed as indicated in the processing information available here.Stay up to date, subscribe to our newsletterSubscribeLend a hand and see the hope return to their facesYou can help support the work of Opera San Francesco for the needy by making either a one-off or a regular donation. One-off donation Regular donation € 25 € 80 € 150 alternatively, you can donate a sum of your choosing.€ Donate now