The Social Service for targeted assistance.

The Social Service takes care of people and follows them step by step with the aim of confronting their problems. Here OSF guides everyone towards the possible assistance services they may require, developing genuine support projects.

Opera San Francesco is well aware that there isn’t just a single way of helping people that require assistance because the difficult situations in which they find themselves are all different and must be assessed individually.

The Social Service works as a network with the other OSF services.

Through its team and its collaboration with the Health Centre, the Social Service contributes, together with the OSF Psychology Service and the local services, to promoting the resources and self-determination of the people that request assistance; it works to ensure people are able to achieve the highest possible level of wellbeing in all phases of their project; it works to provide support and guidance, for example by renewing residence permits or beginning the process of applying for income support, and “goes the extra mile”, taking on complex situations like contentious separations, relationship difficulties with children, family maltreatment, substance abuse, gambling addictions, etc.

Where to find us

The Social Service receives visitors by appointment only at the front office of the Reception Service.

Via Kramer, 1
20129 Milano – MI


Contact details

Service manager


Phone number
02 77122415


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