Clothes and shoes, but also blankets and sleeping bags for those who have nothing.The Wardrobe Service welcomes people that require clothes and accessories. Those who access the service are closely and expertly assisted by the volunteers who help everyone to choose the shoes and clothes that best fit their needs, both in terms of size and personal taste.Offering people the freedom to choose what to wear helps to protect their human dignity, one of the key priorities for OSF.From shoes to jumpers through to blankets and sleeping bags for spending the night on the streets, this service provides people in need with tangible assistance.Wardrobe Service in numbers 7,930Changes of clothes 3,685Guests 26Average no. complete changes distributed per day 115Volunteers (jointly with the Shower service) 5,640Men’s shoesUnless they have specific requirements, all users can access the Wardrobe to request a change of clothes 1 time every 4 weeks.To access the service you must show your ID card, which can be requested from the Reception Service.Where to find usVia Kramer, 1 20129 Milano – MIDirectionsOpening hoursMonday: 17.30 – 20.00Tuesday to Friday: 11.00 – 14.00 e 17.30 – 20.00Saturday: 9.30 – 12Main garments and accessories distributed in a yearJackets 4,900Blankets 2,800Sheets 1,600Sleeping bags 500Contact detailsService managerFra Domenico LucchiniPhone number02-77.122.400E-mail[email protected]Discover OSF’s services Reception Service Food Kitchens Shower service Health Centre Psychology and psychiatry Social Area “Prendiamoci cura” Fund Collection Centre NewsletterSubscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the projects and initiatives of Opera San Francesco. The data will be processed as indicated in the processing information available here.Stay up to date, subscribe to our newsletterSubscribe