Where everyone is guaranteedthe right to healthcare.The Opera San Francesco Health Centre, opened in Via Antonello da Messina in 2010, guarantees everyone the right to healthcare. Those who cannot access the National Health Service can undergo medical check-ups and receive medication free of charge here. The majority of patients are foreign, but Italian citizens in particular conditions of hardship can also access the service and receive the professional assistance of over 200 medical volunteers, who enable this service to perform over 110 check-ups a day. Inside there is also a Medicine Distribution Counter, crucial if the treatments provided are to be truly effective.The Health Centre has a complex and efficient structure and provides general medical, specialist and dentist services, pharmacologic treatments, as well as focusing on prevention. Its staff includes over 30 specialists, enabling it to deal with almost all patient requirements. These routine activities are supplemented with various projects aimed at pre-emptively identifying the needs of those requiring medical assistance.Over the years, this Opera San Francesco facility has played an increasingly important role in the neighbourhood and established network partnerships with other local and regional health institutions.Health Centre in numbers 28,052Medical check-ups in 2024 7,152Patients seen in 2024 110Daily check-ups 146Volunteers 209DoctorsServicesMedicine Distribution CounterSpecialist and dental check-upsPrevention clinic and special projectsThe OSF Health Centre has developed its services on the basis of the growing needs of the most vulnerable members of society.From the handful of check-ups that were performed every day in just two rooms in Via Kramer in the 1980s, we now carry out 110 check-ups a day at the centre opened in Via Antonello da Messina in 2010.NewsletterSubscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the projects and initiatives of Opera San Francesco. The data will be processed as indicated in the processing information available here.Stay up to date, subscribe to our newsletterSubscribeDiscover OSF’s services Reception Service Food Kitchens Shower service The Wardrobe service Psychology and psychiatry Social Area “Prendiamoci cura” Fund Collection Centre