Humanity, solidarity, generosity. A commitment to helping the poorest and neediest, which will live on with your bequest to the OSF.

A will is the first step in guaranteeing the future of your wishes.

Writing a will is a free and simple act that protects you and your loved ones while also giving you the chance to express your generosity through a charitable bequest to the neediest.

A will is the only way of making sure that your wish to safeguard the future of the Opera San Francesco mission of embracing and providing tangible help to all human beings in need continues after you are gone.

Charitable bequest: your free choice.

The “Legittima”
Italian law ensures that the rights of your family and your direct heirs (spouse or civil partner, direct ancestors and descendants) are always protected. In fact, by law the majority of your estate is always reserved and guaranteed to your heirs by the “quota legittima”, or “reserved share” ruling.

The “Quota disponibile”
However, in your will you can also choose to leave part of your estate to a person or cause that reflects your values. In fact, your decision to make a charitable bequest will not damage the legitimate interests of your relatives because it comes from a disposable part of your estate called the “quota disponibile”.

The “quota disponibile” varies according to the composition of your family.

Wills: a free and made-to-measure act

There are three types of will: holographic – secrete – public.
All wills can be changed or revoked at any time. In any case, it is possible to appoint an executor in the will, a trusted person who will take responsibility for executing all of the instructions contained in the document.

  • Holographic will
    To be valid, this document must be handwritten by the testator in a clear and legible way, signed and dated. In addition, it must not be typed or written using a computer, nor can it be written in print, otherwise the will is invalidated. If this is not the testator’s first will, they will have to clearly indicate that they want to revoke the previous versions.
    We suggest entrusting a copy of the signed and dated handwritten will (not a photocopy) to a trusted person who will conserve it as a witness.
  • Secret will
    This is written by the testator (not necessarily by hand) and signed on every page. The testator hands the document to a notary in a sealed envelope in the presence of two witnesses. The notary drafts a formal receipt, which is signed by the testator, the witnesses and the notary themselves. The advantage is that the secret will shall be conserved by notary in their archives.
  • Public will
    This will is drafted directly by the notary in the presence of two witnesses. It is conserved by the notary who is also responsible for filing a copy in the Notarial Archive.

A charitable bequest to Opera San Francesco.

Making a charitable bequest doesn’t necessarily mean leaving all of your estate to OSF.
You can also express your generosity with a small asset that Opera San Francesco will undertake to transform into a tangible form of assistance for many needy people.
Like every bequest to a Non-Profit Organisation, a charitable bequest to OSF is not subject to any type of tax.

What you can leave:

  • A cash sum
  • A precious object like a painting, a work of art or jewellery (personal property)
  • An apartment (real estate)
  • All of your estate

Another form of support: Your Life Insurance.
The amount accrued upon the death of the policyholder shall be transferred to the beneficiaries indicated in the policy and is not part of the policyholder’s estate. The names of the beneficiaries indicated in the policy can be changed at any time.

For direct and confidential advice contact Fra Marcello Longhi




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