The first port of call for those in need.The Reception Service is the first port of call of people in need who have reached out to request the assistance of Opera San Francesco and its services. It is an opportunity to get mutually acquainted, to understand the needs of the person and to map out a suitable assistance programme.Welcoming, Listening and Guiding are the three objectives that shape the actions of the Reception Service.Everybody is offered:an analysis of their requirements via an optional interview;a magnetic card in order to access basic services;information on all the services offered by OSF and the community.Reception Service in numbers 13,229New cards 30,822Cards renewed 94Volunteers 1,763Individual interviewsThe service constantly monitors users, focusing particular attention on the most vulnerable – the elderly, minors, families, pregnant women – to whom OSF offers facilitated and targeted access to services.Where to find usVia Kramer, 1 20129 Milan – MIDirectionsVia Antonello da Messina, 4 20146 Milan – MIDirectionsOpening hoursHours via Kramer 1Monday to Saturday: 10.30 – 14.30 and 18.00 – 20.30Hours via Antonello da Messina 4Sunday to Friday: 11.30 – 13.15Contact detailsService managerIlaria BertèPhone02-77.122.463E-mail[email protected]Discover OSF’s services Food Kitchens Shower service The Wardrobe service Health Centre Psychology and psychiatry Social Area “Prendiamoci cura” Fund Collection Centre NewsletterSubscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the projects and initiatives of Opera San Francesco. The data will be processed as indicated in the processing information available here.Stay up to date, subscribe to our newsletterSubscribe