For over 60 years Opera San Francesco has been giving people hope again

Discover the OSF food kitchens

For over 60 years Opera San Francesco has been giving people hope again

Discover the OSF wardrobe-service

Our work in numbers

Cuoco servizio mensa di Opera San Francesco | OSF


Ospite del servizio di igiene personale | OSF

Number of personal hygiene service users

Ospite accolto da Opera San Francesco | OSF

People welcomed

Visita medica bambino | OSF

Medical check-ups

Operatrice del centro raccolta | OSF

Changes of clothes

Lend a hand and see the hope return to their faces

You can help support the work of Opera San Francesco for the needy by making either a one-off or a regular donation.


OSF can count on the support of over 1300 volunteers, around 200 of which doctors. Just as OSF opens its doors to all those that need help, without distinction, in the same way its volunteers come from all walks of life, all religious backgrounds and social classes.

Foto di gruppo dei volontari di Opera San Francesco | OSF

A Milanese institution committed to helping the poor

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