OSF offers tangible services to those who have nothing. People in need require help with basic necessities like eating, clothing themselves, washing and healthcare. However, they also need to maintain or restore their personal dignity so they can work and live independently. For this reason, OSF works every day to provide guaranteed assistance to men, women and families in difficulty. Assistance that consists of services and tangible actions, but also counselling and emotional support. Reception Service Food Kitchens Showers Wardrobe Health Centre Guidance Service Social Area “Prendiamoci cura” Fund Collection Centre Newsletter Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter per rimanere aggiornato sui progetti e sulle iniziative di Opera San Francesco. I dati saranno trattati come indicato nelle informazioni sul trattamento consultabili qui. Resta aggiornato, iscriviti alla nostra newsletterIscriviti